Friday, 28 October 2016

Ex-Machina Research

Producers: Andrew Macdonald and Allon Reich

Director: Alex Garland

Distributor: Universal Pictures

Cast: Alicia Vikander, Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac and Sonoya Mizuno

Budget: $15 million

Locations: Pinewood Studios, Juvet Landscape Hotel- Valldalen, Norway, Bloomberg Head Office- Finsbury Square, London.

Technology: The film was shot live action and then had effects added post production, no green screens or special effects were used while filming. This was so that the actors Vikander and Isaac could act out real life conversations while actually speaking to one another to ensure that the audience could relate more. Ava the main robotic character was filmed with the actress Alicia Vikander in the scenes and without her; this was so they could film the background she would be in. As they were only using certain parts of her body, like her hands and face these were kept and rotoscoped and they used camera and body tracking systems to follow Alicia's movements and create CGI robotic movements. They also used other visual effects for different aspects. The visual effects company was the British company Double Negative who have won Oscars for their work on Interception and Interstellar. 350 of the 800 VFX shots were used for Ava and the other robots.

Number Of Screens-Opening Weekend: 1259 in the USA

Number Of Screens-Peak Number: 2004 in the USA

Box Office Figures: $36.9 million worldwide and $250,00 USA.

The production companies for Ex-Machina were Film4 and DNA Films; Film4 is the UK production company that is owned by Channel Four Television Company and is responsible for being some of the productions companies for gritty, real life almost dystopia films like Never Let Me Go, 12 Years A Slave, The Iron Lady, 127 Hours and Slumdog Millionaire. DNA Films is another British company that was founded by Andrew Macdonald and Duncan Kenworthy they have co-produced Never Let Me Go, The History Boys and Love Actually. Both of these companies have worked together in films like Never Let Go and despite being much smaller production companies have still done very well. Both are acclaimed as some of the best British Film Production Companies and as shown by films like Ex-Machina, 12 Years A Slave and Love Actually can be a box office success. While they collaborate with much bigger companies like Universal and Disney they can still produce a very successful film which grips audiences. While these films may not be classed as a big films in comparison to other movies they have still done well, are well received and are generally well known among audiences. Despite these films not having the most impressive budget, they worked with it (such as Ex-Machina being filmed in 6 weeks and using less well known but still credited actors like Domhall Glesson and Oscar Isaac) to create films that are still well produced and a success. This show how production compaines do not need to be massive to produce successful films.

The two productions companies in this film were Film4 and DNA Films and was distributed by Universal Pictures and A24 Films in the USA. By working with Universal to distribute the film this allows Film4 and DNA Films to reach a lot wider audiences as simply Universal are a far bigger company. As a household name in the film industry and with worldwide fame and acknowledgement Ex-Machina was able to reach far more audiences with Universal. Ex-Machina was also distributed on DVD and Blu-Ray by Lionsgate Home Entertainment in the USA another far bigger company that allows more audiences wider access to Ex-Machina helping to improve the success of the film. Film4 and DNA Films working together (as they have done before) can help promote their businesses as it allows them to pool their resources together to create the best film. Film4 having produced more films than DNA Films can offer and thier expertise and experience and likewise DNA Films can provide a great writer and producer of Andrew Macdonald. Andrew Macdonald and DNA Films will also bring more success to Film4 as Macdonald is already a famous writer that will generate interest in the film and boost Film4's fame. Both businesses will benefit from working together as they can also share their money to help improve their budget and audiences will recognize that the two companies worked well together so be more inclined to see a film produced by these companies again especially if they collaborate.

The amount of different ways that audiences can now view films have impacted the distribution companies in particular. In the modern environment what modern day viewers want is to be able view and stream films on any device whenever they want; this is the new technologies. Audiences are more inclined to watch films at home rather than at the cinema. This means that distribution companies and marketing companies really need to be able to entice audiences to go to the cinema to view the film and to also make the film accessible on many different formats. This can be done as while not as popular as it was 10 years ago, the cinema is still something that most people still go to and enjoy. Often the add campaigns and bonuses that are received at cinemas encourage audiences such as the deals on tickets with phone companies ect. Sometimes people prefer to stay at home rather than go out to the cinema which allowed sites like Netflix to become massive successes. This is why film companies need to ensure their film is not just accessible in cinemas but on a lot of platforms to allow for the most success. Ex-Machina is available to view/ download on many different streaming websites such as Netflix, Amazon, iTunes and GooglePlay. This allows audiences to view the film however they like. Ex-Machina was released in the UK by Universal Pictures on 21st January 2015 and in the USA by A24 Films on 14th March 2016. Ex-Machina was also released on DVD, Blu-ray and on download on 14th July 2015. In some cases people don't watch the films legally and use websites like Putlocker to view the film which impacts negatively on the production companies as they make less money. This is a new technology that is recent and nowadays more of a threat to the success of films.

Technologies have not just advanced in the way of viewing films but also in the technology used to create the film, this is something Ex-Machina has taken advantage of to really engage and attract modern audiences. More modern audiences have become used to seeing an impressive array of special effects and Ex-Machina follows this trend by using mainly the special effects company Double Negative. Double Negative are a highly successful visual and special effects company and Europe's largest visual effects provider for film; this British company have worked on highly successful productions like the 2009 Sherlock Holmes film, the Harry Potter franchise, the Batman franchise and Quantum of Solace. As well as working for massively successful films, Double Negative have had personal success too like such as Academy Awards/Oscars for Interception, Interstellar and Ex-Machina. This shows the massive advances in technologies that audiences now expect to see in films and the exceptional standards audiences want. Ex-Machina certainly reaches this standard with stunning effects that earned it an Academy Award. Ex-Machina has gained a lot of success and audience acknowledgement as have Film4 and DNA Films by working with Double Negative as here a massive company in the film industry has brought its success and knowledge to aid production. Winning an Oscar and simply working with Double Negative would have brought a lot more profile and audience interest to the film helping create the overall success of the film.        

Marketing has also benefitted from the new technologies which is shown by how one of Ex-Machina's advertising campaigns was done using completely social media which is also known as viral marketing. A Tinder dating profile account was created using Alicia Vikander as the profile user who then messaged Tinder users with robotic like message such as comments about "humans" before then referring the user to the Instagram page for the film. While this tied in with the whole theme of the film a few eyebrows were raised at the tatics used like a fake account. This type of marketing where direct contact is made with the consumers is a definite advance in technological advantages and although may raise few issues is still very effective and cheaper marketing for films. This innovative marketing technique was also praised as well as frowned upon, which generates more interest and success for the film. Filming and distribution also used new technologies as the film was shot on 4K resolution. This is a digital way of filming and allows there to be a much faster adoption rate which will help benefit and lower distribution costs to cinemas. The quality is also very good on this film and this way of filming has only been around for just over 10 years which shows how new technological advances have benefitted/ been used in this film.

Different technologies have particularly helped each other in this film as shown by how Film4, DNA Films and Double Negative have worked together to create an Oscar winning film. The production teams filmed and prepared all the shots that needed editing with special effects as shown by how they filmed the background ready for Double Negative to use to create Ava. Music was also an important element/ technology for this film as it played a major part in the experience for the audience. The music was composed by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow; Salisbury has worked on the BAFTA nominated David Attenborough series The Life Of Mammals and Barrow has collaborated with Salisbury before to create a album inspired from the film Dredd. This shows how the technologies of the music industry are working with the film industry technology to create this film. The marketing also benefitted from different technologies such as social media as they used Tinder and Instagram to advertise the film; again different technologies are coming together in all aspects of the film.        

As a modern day viewer I like being able to view the film how I would like, where I would like and on what device I would like; sometimes I may struggle to find the time to go the cinema, at my age may struggle to get there and often when I do have free time would rather spend it relaxing at home. This is why apps and websites like iTunes and Netflix are a great benefit to the modern day viewer as it allows us to have control over our own viewing choices. While I see that downloading may not always benefit the film company (such as on illegal websites) it is easy to understand why people do. The new technologies are always a benefit especially when the special effects impress as they do in this film; the soundtrack was also very cleverly put together and another strong point of this film that is hard to believe is low budget film. The advertising campaign for this film was also interesting and quirky as well as the use of social media like Instagram is something that appeals and is effective.

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